Disarmament & International Security Committee (GA1)
- Addressing the Impact of the Military-Industrial Complex on International Security
- The situation in Mexico
- De-Escalating Grey Zone Conflicts
Social Humanitarian & Cultural Committee (GA3)
- Improving the Protection of Journalists in Armed Conflict
- Protecting Cultural Heritage from State Apathy and Neglect
- The issue of Mercenaries violating Human Rights including the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination
Special Political & Decolonisation Committee (GA4)
- Providing Victim Assistance and Environmental Remediation to Member States Affected by the Use or Testing of Nuclear Weapons
- The question of the Western Sahara
- Responding to the Creation of “Stateless Nations” due to Climate Change
Legal Committee (GA6)
- Establishing a Legal Framework for the Protection of Consumers from Misleading Advertisements and other Unfair Commercial Practices
- Ensuring the Prosecution and Repression of Naval Warfare and Piracy
- Enhancing the Protection of Personality Rights in the context of Virtual Reality and Deepfakes
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
- Examining the Sustainability of Alt-Labor as an Alternative to Trade Unions
- Accelerating the Operation of the African Continental Free Trade Area
- Revitalizing Rural Economies through Agrotourism and Sustainable Tourism
- Preventing the Issuing of Predatory Loans to Consumers
Environmental Commission (EC)
- Managing Global Climate Finance and Asymmetrical Responsibilities Among States
- Assessing the Effectiveness of Bioengineering Technologies in Resolving Environmental Challenges
- Mitigating the Impact of the Food Industry on the Environment
- Addressing the Environmental Impact of Displaced Persons especially on Environmentally Sensitive Areas
Security Council (SC)
- State Responsibility and the Right to Self-Defense against Non-State Actors
- The situation in the D.R. Congo
- Open
The Group of Twenty (G20)
- Preventing Corporate Espionage
- Promoting Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Considerations to Achieve Sustainable Business Growth
- Measures to Protect Financial Institutions from Collapse
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
- Addressing the Opioid Crisis and Enhancing Access to Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
- Combating Transnational Organized Crime in the Digital Age
- Improving Working Conditions and Upholding Employment Rights for Prisoners
Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD)
- Developing an Ethical Framework for Biohacking
- Harnessing Industry 4.0 to Accelerate Inclusive and Sustainable Development
- Promoting Open Access to Scientific Information and Research
Youth Assembly (YA)
- Enhancing Financial Literacy among the Youth for Economic Empowerment
- Shifting Punishment in Schools from Punitive Disciplinary Actions to more Constructive Approaches
- Eliminating Obstacles for Individuals with Disabilities to Pursue Further Education
Special Conference on Confronting State Apathy (SPECON)
- Confronting Media Apathy and Underreporting
- Enhancing International Collaboration to Combat Modern Slavery
- The role of Digital Infrastructure in achieving Sustainable Development
- Pursuing Collaborative Methods to tackling Migration Crises including a “Root Causes” Approach