Disarmament & International Security Committee (GA1)
- Addressing the Impact of Private Military Security Contractors on Global Security
- Mitigating the Impact of Land Mines and Weapon Contamination in Eastern Europe
- Αddressing the Implications of the Use of Cryptocurrencies in Financing Terrorism and other Illicit Activities
Social Humanitarian & Cultural Committee (GA3)
- Preventing Enforced Disappearances
- Promoting and Protecting the Cultural Rights of Refugees and Migrants
- Addressing the Humanitarian Implications of Peacekeeping Missions
Special Political & Decolonisation Committee (GA4)
- The question of Tech Sovereignty and Data Localisation
- Holding Organizations of Foreign Financial Facilitation Accountable for Debt Traps
- The issue of Political Instability in Pakistan
Legal Committee (GA6)
- Reforming International Family Law to ensure the Protection of Children’s Rights
- Establishing a Legal Framework to Reduce the Market Power of Big Tech
- Promoting Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Measures
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
- Setting Standards for Employment Rights in the Gig Economy
- Fighting Bid Rigging in Public Procurement
- Measures to prevent Social Dumping
- Adjusting the Demographic Dividend for an Ageing Population
Environmental Commission (EC)
- Ensuring the Safe Handling of Radioactive Waste
- Addressing the Environmental and Social Impacts of Linear Economies
- Preventing Oil Spills and Ensuring Biodiversity in the Arctic
- Addressing the Challenges Associated with the Transition to Electric Vehicles
Security Council (SC)
- The situation in Sudan
- Casus Belli and the Right to Self-defence in Cyberspace
- The Situation in the Sahel Region
The Group of Twenty (G20)
- Assessing Money Laundering Risks in the Gambling Sector
- Measures to improve the School to Work Transition
- Addressing Global Health under a One Health Approach
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
- Measures to combat Trafficking in Human Organs and Trafficking in Persons for the Purpose of Organ Removal
- Preventing the Transmission of HIV in Prisons
- Addressing Criminal Threats against Tourists
Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD)
- Preventing Hacking of Surgical Robots and Medical Infrastructure
- The question of Boundaries in Genetical Engineering and Eugenics
- Using Satellite Technology to Combat Food Insecurity
Youth Assembly
- Promoting Primary Education in Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs)
- Addressing the problem of Rising Levels of Academic Stress
- Measures to prevent Teen Pregnancy
Special Conference on the Paradox of Progress
- Preventing Biopiracy of Indigenous Knowledge
- Addressing the Risks posed to Human Rights by Biometric Technologies
- Assessing the Efficacy of International Aid on State Development
- Regulating the use of Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Creative Industries