Afghanistan (ECO) Germany (ECO)(G20)(UNODC) Norway (ECO)
Albania (UNODC) Ghana Pakistan (UNODC)
Algeria (SC) (CSTD) Greece (ECO) Panama
Argentina (ECO)(G20) Guatemala (ECO)(CSTD) Peru (ECO)(CSTD)
Armenia Guyana (SC) Philippines (CSTD)
Australia (ECO)(G20) Haiti Poland
Austria (ECO)(CSTD) Hungary (CSTD) Portugal (ECO)(CSTD)
Azerbaijan India(G20)(ECO)(CSTD)(UNODC) Qatar (ECO)
Bahamas Indonesia (ECO)(G20)(UNODC) Republic of Korea (G20)(SC)
Bangladesh (UNODC) Iran [Islamic Rep. of] (ECO) Romania (CSTD)(UNODC)
Belarus (CSTD) Iraq Russian Federation (SC) (G20) (CSTD)(UNODC)
Belgium (ECO)(UNODC) Ireland Rwanda (CSTD)
Bolivia [Plurinational State of] (ECO) (UNODC) Israel (CSTD) Saint Vincent & the Grenadines
Bosnia and Herzegovina Italy (ECO)(G20)(UNODC) Saudi Arabia (G20)(CSTD)
Brazil (G20)(ECO)(CSTD)(UNODC) Jamaica Senegal
Bulgaria (ECO)(UNODC) Japan (ECO)(G20)(SC)(CSTD) Serbia
Burkina Faso Jordan Sierra Leone (SC)
Cameroon (ECO)(CSTD) Kazakhstan (ECO) Singapore
Canada (ECO)(G20)(CSTD) Kenya (UNODC) Slovakia (ECO)
Central African Republic Kuwait Slovenia (ECO)(SC)
Chad Kyrgyzstan Somalia
Chile (ECO) Latvia (CSTD) South Africa (G20)(CSTD)(UNODC)
China(SC)(ECO)(G20)(CSTD)(UNODC) Lebanon Spain (UNODC)
Colombia (ECO)(CSTD)(UNODC) Libya (ECO) Sri Lanka
Costa Rica (ECO) Lithuania Sudan
Côte D’Ivoire (ECO) Luxembourg Sweden (ECO)
Croatia (ECO) Madagascar (ECO) Switzerland (ECO)(SC)(CSTD)
Cuba (CSTD) Malawi Syrian Arab Republic
Cyprus Malaysia (UNODC) Thailand (UNODC)
Czech Republic (ECO) Malta (SC) Togo
DPR Korea [DPRK] Marshall Islands Tunisia (ECO)
DR Congo (UNODC) Mexico (ECO)(G20)(UNODC) Turkey (ECO)(G20)(CSTD)(UNODC)
Denmark (ECO) Mongolia Turkmenistan
Dominican Republic (UNODC) Morocco (UNODC) Uganda
Ecuador (SC)(CSTD) Mozambique (SC)(UNODC) Ukraine
Egypt (CSTD)(UNODC) Myanmar United Arab Emirates
Estonia Nepal United Kingdom (SC) (ECO) (G20) (CSTD)(UNODC)
Ethiopia Netherlands (UNODC) United States of America (SC) (ECO)(G20)(CSTD)(UNODC)
Finland (CSTD) New Zealand (ECO) Uruguay
France (SC)(ECO)(G20)(CSTD)(UNODC) Nicaragua Venezuela [Bolivarian Republic of]
Gabon Niger Viet Nam
Georgia Nigeria (ECO)(UNODC) Zimbabwe (ECO)


SC = Security Council Members

ECO = Economic and Social Council Members

G20 = Group of Twenty Members