General Assembly Committees:
Disarmament & International Security Committee
- Maritime border dispute in Chile and Peru
- Missile defense systems
- Intelligence gathering and espionage
Social Humanitarian & Cultural Committee
- Humanitarian relief and protection of migrants and internally displaced persons
- The issue of slum dwellers and social exclusion
- Eliminating racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerances
Special Political & Decolonisation Committee
- EU border control controversy and policies
- Preventing the spread of religious-based extremism in Africa and the Middle East
- Establishing hemispheric standards for prisoner rights and prison conditions
Legal Committee
- The examination of war criminals cases
- Policy reformation on crimes against humanity
- Reform of the US immigration system
Environmental Committee
- Intergenerational equity and sustainable development
- The impact of natural disasters on the environment and agricultural production
- Combatting illegal wildlife trade
Specialised Agencies:
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
- The question of economic growth and international migration
- Migration and economic sustainable development
- Labor migration in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
- The Financial aftermath of debt crises and stock market crashes
International Court of Justice (ICJ)
- Oil platforms Islamic republic of Iran vs United States of America
Security Council (SC)
- Situation in the Middle East
- Crisis in Bahrain
- Reformation of resource control laws
Special Conference on Migration: A Movement for Change (SPECON)
- The issue of mass migration and xenophobic violence
- Exploitation of migrant workers
- Migration and human trafficking
- Managing unauthorized migration